
14 Best Office Plants | Low Light & Low-Maintenance Plants

November 15, 2022

By Workspace Resource

Why Office Plants Are Important

Workplaces and home offices without greenery or other reminders of the outdoors can quickly feel confining, cold, and uninviting. Believe it or not, bringing plants into the workplace can positively impact the well-being of yourself and others.

The pressures of the job can get overwhelming at times. A solution to this is to have plants in the office. Studies show that young people had less mental and physical strain when interacting with office plants or houseplants.

Drab office spaces with plants not only look nicer but also provide a healthier environment to breathe in. The presence of certain plants has been linked to reduced levels of air pollution. An extensive study by NASA has shown that office plants may lower air pollutants by up to 87% when placed at the recommended rate of one plant every 100 square feet. Biophilic design is the way to go if you want to improve your health and work quality. 

You should choose plants that survive in low light and are low-maintenance since you don't want to create more work for people, especially if they have a "brown" or "black thumb" rather than a green one. The office would benefit if you took care not to make a mess, either.

Low-Maintenance Indoor Plants

Cast Iron Plant

Aspidistra elatior, more often known as the cast-iron plant, gets its name from its remarkable resilience in harsh environments. This is the low-maintenance plant of choice since ZZ Plants can tolerate temperature variations, sporadic watering schedules, low humidity, and lower light. 

This evergreen foliage plant, which can reach heights of up to three feet, is often included in "lists of the best plants" because it thrives in various indoor environments - from dingy pubs to bright workplaces. The cast-iron plant isn't particular about watering, but this plant requires some; too much water can kill it from root rot. Allow it to become a little dry in between waterings; like many plants, it prefers aridity over soggy soil.

ZZ Plant

The ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a hardy indoor plant that can survive with little attention and liven up any boring workplace. This plant has one major flaw: it is utterly toxic to animals and humans, but you should be okay if your coworkers don't bring pets or children to work.

When properly cared for, the ZZ Plant may also serve as an effective air filter, allowing you to breathe easier in the office. When fully mature, this plant is only around two feet tall. This eliminates the need for frequent trimming in a professional setting since the plant never gets out of hand.

Since ZZ Plants grow so slowly, they may spend several years in a single container before needing a new home. Overwatering is fatal to it, so don't be too eager to water this plant when you remember. 

Spider Plant

The low-maintenance spider plant is excellent for your windowless workplace or cubicle since it can be hung in baskets or placed on high shelves. Spider plants have several positive effects, including reducing stress levels in the workplace and enhancing indoor air quality.

Prepare a hanging basket or container with plenty of potting soil and place this plant there. The spider plant does well with fluorescent office lighting and can survive with occasional watering. However, if your plant's green leaves turn brown or droop, you may quickly revive it by placing it in bright light.

Peace Lily

As its name suggests, the gorgeous peace lily (spathiphyllum) symbolizes tranquility and success—two qualities always welcome at the workplace. It's an age-old office staple that never fails to look chic and fresh in any interior setting. The dark green foliage of peace lilies is punctuated with white flowers that are really a subset of the leaves. 

They do well in relaxed, shaded environments and need little maintenance. A peace lily is an excellent option if your workplace has little light and no one is willing to care for the office plant. Not only are peace lilies prized for their beauty but also for the outstanding role they play in purifying the air we breathe. The biggest reason to have a peace lily as your desk plant is that it can help filter harmful gases and chemicals out of the air.

Ponytail Palm

Ponytail palm is one of the plants that gets its name from how it looks. The straplike leaves at the end of its sturdy trunk are reminiscent of a pony's mane. Depending on the conditions, ponytail palms may reach heights of 30 feet or more when grown in the wild. In contrast, you may easily grow one in the safety of your workplace, where it will eventually reach a height of four feet.

This plant has the added benefit of being relatively low-maintenance. Plan on growing a ponytail palm where there will be enough light, such as near a window but away from direct sunlight. They thrive well in arid environments, making them ideal office plants for the low humidity often seen in small offices.


The peperomia plant's glossy, dark green foliage provides visual interest to any interior setting, and the plant is known for requiring little maintenance. Peperomia is another plant that prefers indirect sunlight yet performs well under fluorescent lights at your workplace. Because overwatering is the most common cause of death for these plants, you may rest easy knowing that this one will survive even if you tend to forget to water your plants.

Dwarf Umbrella Tree

Dwarf umbrella trees are a great office plant option. The umbrella plant gets its name from how its leaves are arranged in a whorl, resembling the top of an umbrella. 

Dwarf umbrella tree plants require little care, have an eye-catching form, and are adaptable to various environments. Success with these office plants hinges on providing them with soil that is never fully dry but also never wholly soaked during the growth season.

Because it has so many species, you can try out several to find the one that complements your workplace's decor and which are the plants that require the least maintenance. 

Dracaena Gold Star

This versatile plant, the Dracaena Gold Star, thrives in direct or indirect sunlight and brilliant artificial light. It thrives on soil that is somewhat damp to the touch but not soggy, and it cannot handle being in the water for long periods. Depending on the weather, the Dracaena Gold Star needs to be watered once or twice a week to keep the soil from drying up.

A few Dracaena plants placed strategically around a dry air problem area may significantly improve the situation. This will also help keep many respiratory issues under control, such as those brought on by dry air. Studies show a reduction in sore throats, dry coughs, dry skin, and the common cold in offices where indoor plants are used.

Low Light Plants For The Office


If you're looking for an unusual potted plant on your desk, bamboo is a wonderful option since it is said to bring prosperity. These plants thrive in less light and need very little maintenance, making them a great choice for those dimly-lit office corners at the office. You'll feel like you've been transported to a tropical paradise in the far east. 

Almost any kind of bamboo will thrive when kept inside in a container. Generally, clumping bamboo is an easy plant to grow in containers than running bamboo. Bamboo thrives in indirect light, so try to avoid placing it where it will bake. To that end, you should put your bamboo plant in the office's east corner. 


Although pothos is one of the simplest indoor plants to maintain, it is sometimes passed over in favor of more flashy options. Despite not having flowers, this tropical vine has diverse leaf patterns and colors that make it suitable for many different settings. Pothos is an excellent air plant that grows well in low light levels and is surprisingly tolerant of neglect, making it ideal for first-time plant owners.

Its long stems are perfect for trailing over the edge of a hanging basket or climbing up a bookshelf, thanks to its aerial roots. In addition to its aesthetic value, pothos is widely regarded as a good office plant for enhancing air quality and creating a healthier interior atmosphere.

Snake Plant

These low maintenance plants create a calming atmosphere and improve air quality. Snake plants, often known as "mother-in-law's tongue" due to their sharp, long leaves, are excellent air purifiers and may even absorb hazardous airborne contaminants.

If you don't have much room in your workplace, the vertically growing snake plant is the perfect office plant since they provide a sense of height. They don't need much in the way of light or water, making them ideal for inexperienced plant owners. In sum, a simple and uncomplicated option.


If you're working on a particularly difficult assignment, the philodendron's heart-shaped leaves will provide a welcome dose of cheer. This plant is a cinch to care for and is the perfect indoor plant for the office. You may forget to water it periodically or even often, and it will still thrive, with low light conditions and all.

You can count on the Heartleaf Philodendron to stay by your side no matter how far up the corporate food chain you make it. This attractive office plant is tough as nails and will persist for quite some time without water and any special care on your part. It also does very well in environments with fluorescent lighting and may be ignored over extended periods. 

Rex Begonia

A well-cared-for indoor Rex Begonia will flourish in a damp, low temp environment. Growing begonias indoors is somewhat tricky because of the plant's need for high humidity. It's essential to keep the humidity levels high for Rex Begonias since they are more sensitive to dry office conditions than other varieties.

You may put your Begonia in the kitchen or bathroom at work, where there is more humidity in the air. In addition, you can increase the moisture in the room by placing a saucer of water near your Begonia.

The Rex Begonia is one of the best plants due to its vibrant leaves. Although it may appear unfamiliar, the Rex Begonia is not difficult to cultivate. Because of its vividly colored leaves and modest stature, the Rex Begonia creates an excellent contrast against other indoor plants when displayed on tables as well as office desks.

Parlor Palm

Animals like cats and dogs are safe around the Parlor Palm plant, and its air-cleansing properties are a bonus. The Parlor Palm plant is a fantastic choice for both novice plant keepers and experienced flora enthusiasts. Despite its opulent moniker, the Parlor Palm thrives in reduced light and cooler temperatures. The air-conditioned environment of a workplace is perfect for this. 

Parlor Palm plants are easy to kill by too much exposure to natural light or overwatering; treating them with care is crucial, and only let them bask in bright indirect light. The Parlor Palm may thrive in an office environment that is somewhat dark, so keep that in mind when you rearrange furniture and decorations.

Tips For Keeping Office Plants Alive

Ensuring your plants live starts with picking out the right potted plant to bring to the office. Find a dependable nursery or garden center, preferably one that has been in business for quite some time. The best plants for a newbie gardener come from a farm, nursery, or local plant store. 

Verify that the plant you want to purchase can survive and help spruce up your office environment. Access to light is the single most crucial element, although temperature and humidity are also vital. 

Your next consideration should be how much plant care you're willing to provide. Someone who is often on the go can benefit from caring for the best low-maintenance office plants - ZZ plants, jade plants, Chinese evergreen plants, and succulents are your best bet. Ferns and orchids are great statement plants and for hands-on plant parents who want to tend to their plants daily. 

Keeping plants alive at the workplace is easier than you think. All your plants need is a little TLC to flourish. Remember to give them enough sunshine, fertilizer, and water consistently.

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