
How Office Design Affects Employee Productivity (Research + Tips)

July 20, 2022

By Workspace Resource

Anyone who works knows how important it is to make the most out of time at the office, regardless if you're an office manager looking to boost your staff's output or a worker looking to increase your performance. Time is ticking by, and we all have deadlines and objectives to meet. 

Since our productivity at work, well-being, and health are all linked, we do what we can to maintain all three. For our morning routine, we might step out for a quick walk and prepare our desk with the supplies we need to get started, then turn off our phone's alerts.

Everyone works hard to maximize themselves to their fullest potential. Surprisingly, the structure and atmosphere of the workplace may have a profound impact on that productivity.

Increasing employee productivity while fostering a positive office environment has been more apparent in past years. What's the secret to doing it, then? Take a look at how office layout affects productivity.


One of the ways office design affects productivity is through lighting. Employees will be more productive and experience less eye fatigue if their new office design uses both natural and artificial lighting.

The lighting quality in a workplace is one of the most critical variables in determining productivity. Those working in cramped quarters will benefit significantly from having their workstations near large windows, exposing them to plenty of natural light.

Keep in mind that fluorescent lighting should be used by offices sparingly. See workspace design and productivity in action by having a brighter workspace. There is a difference, but too much artificial light is known to give people migraines and strain their eyes to the point of dizziness. It's best to utilize dimmer switches to avoid migraines caused by flickering fluorescent lights.

To keep employees awake, engaged, and free of headaches, natural light is essential to a healthy work environment. Working in an environment that is well-ventilated and at the proper temperature benefits productivity as well.

If you want your workers to perform at their peak, you need a workplace where they can be themselves and thrive in a healthy environment. 

Flexible Spaces

Open office layouts, as popular as they may be, have certain drawbacks. No one is advocating a return to the traditional cubicle workplace. Workers should be able to roam about the workplace and pick a place that works best for them.

So what is the best office layout for productivity? Combining private rooms with group areas for collaboration and discussion in an open-plan office layout is the best way to achieve compromise. Employees can exchange ideas and build relationships more effectively if they have more possibilities for creative cooperation.

Provide storage options for organization and easy cleaning solutions which may lead to decreased stress and increased productivity!

What makes a good office? It's essential to have a designated location in the office where employees may take a break from the daily grind and avoid sitting at their workstations all day. When they return to work, the brain and body are given a break, which may lead to increased creativity and productivity.

How does your office space impact employee well-being? Workplaces that are well-lit, airy, and inviting have a positive effect on good health and well-being, which, in turn, encourages employees to be more productive and innovative.


Office furniture may help create a more relaxed and pleasant atmosphere in the workplace by altering its appearance and feel. It is possible to reduce back pain and strain by purchasing ergonomic furniture that looks attractive and functions well. Desk chairs should be supportive and comfortable but not so cozy that your employees fall asleep at their desks.

Another example of how your office space impacts employee well-being? Sitting for long periods at a desk can make people more tired and distracted. Using standing workstations and ergonomic chairs in the office impacts employee well-being. When you're in pain, it's hard to keep your mind on anything else.

Wellness Spaces

Decision makers may maximize office design and productivity through a thoughtful, successful office design plan. When employees are relaxed and at ease in their work environment, they are more likely to put in their best effort. Workplace wellness is on the minds of workers everywhere. Healthier workplace amenities, including wellness rooms, sit-to-stand workstations, ergonomic seating, and healthier lunch break alternatives, were desired by 87 percent of employees.

Office design productivity research shows that a whopping 93% of IT professionals responded that they would remain with a business that offered healthier workplace benefits for their employees.

Bringing In Nature

Current research also shows that outside spaces improve people's moods. Consequently, workplaces that maximize natural light, employ natural wood and textures, and include plants have experienced productivity boosts.

A growing number of flexible workplaces are taking this concept a step further by including environmental design as a perk of employment. Modern offices with stunning rooftop terraces, gardens, and courtyards have become the norm. When it comes to office space, the sky is the limit when bringing in nature.

Noise Control

Over two-thirds of employees claim they are interrupted at least five times daily by loud disruptions. Workers' capacity to think creatively or solve problems is hindered by background noise, making it one of the top causes of low productivity.

Soundproof booths aren't necessary for your staff to work in. If the noise level becomes unbearable, provide them with a quiet spot where they can concentrate. Employees will have a designated place to focus and relax if you include quiet areas in your workplace design.

Color Design

Painting a professional space to work in is quite different from painting a private office at home. 

People who work from home may believe that it is preferable to keep the wall colors of their personal workspace neutral. They decide to either install a feature wall or paint the trim in a contrasting color.

On the other hand, some individuals prefer that their workstations do not have any resemblance to the paint used in the rest of their homes. They can better concentrate on the job at hand and avoid being sidetracked by reminders of the conveniences at home.

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